Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato have a long history with one another and it's full of ups and downs, but it appears as if the former has nothing but love for her once Barney & Friends co-star.
After the release of Lovato's YouTube documentary, Simply Complicated, on Monday (October 17), Instagram's most followed user took to Demi's account, commented on a post about the doc and re-followed the star. "This was beautiful. I'm so happy for you. You always continue to be bold and real," the 25-year-old star wrote in the comment section. "I wish more people were like you." She also followed up her message with a separate comment, writing, "Love you."
Gomez and Lovato go as far back as their early years on Barney, but have gone separate ways since then. During a 2014 appearance on Watch What Happens Live, Lovato spoke openly about unfollowing Gomez on Twitter, revealing, "I think it's just one of those things where people change and people grow apart." Thankfully, after a string of social media love and even mutual praise for their recent singles like "Fetish" and "Sorry Not Sorry," it looks like these former Disney darlings are back on track to a solid friendship.
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