Following the untimely death of Jimmy Fallon's mother, Gloria Fallon at age 68, friend Miley Cyrus tweeted her condolences to the Tonight Show host.
In an emotional series of tweets, Cyrus said, "I'm sad to say my friend Jimmy's mother has passed away... sending him all the love in my heart... Keep smilin Jimmy....." She continued, "I know it's tough to do when we lose someone we care about, I couldn't image not havin my mama.... I am so sorry ...."
The pop star had recently held a one week residency on Fallon's show, where she played games with the host and performed nightly.
Stephen Colbert, another late night talkshow host, tweeted his condolences as well, saying, "Mom is the first audience and the best." Gloria Fallon was in the audience when Jimmy first stepped foot on the Tonight Show stage as host back in 2014. This week's episodes have been cancelled to allow the Fallon's time to mourn. Re-runs will appear in the usual timeslot.
Photo: Getty Images