My 5 Seconds of Worldwide Fame!!

Dear Diary,

There I was, waiting in the wings of the Kodak Theater in Hollywood in my rented gown, when I was called to fill a seat. This was obviously during a commercial break. I was placed on the aisle right in back of Ed Norton (love him!) The lights went up and Neil Patrick Harris, the host of the 2015 Oscars, was standing behind me. Before I could blink, I see him creeping toward me. I couldn't move! Then he asked the question "Are you a seat filler?" I didn't know if this was a trick question. We (seat fillers) aren't supposed to say that we are seat fillers. But, I just blurted out "I am." Then he said "What's your name?" I smiled and said "Laura!" He said something like "nice to meet you." I was still in shock so I don't remember. Then he walked down the aisle and onto the stage.

I had my fancy party purse in my lap. It started to vibrate, non-stop! I couldn't wait to see who was texting me! Who saw me? Did Mom see this? Did Jenny? Did Stacey? OMG.

I later learned that "girl in the red dress" and "seat filler" were trending on Twitter that night. The local TV stations all wanted interviews. It was so crazy. My literal 5 seconds of fame blew up for a few days. Wow. Such a great memory.

Last night, we (Antonio, Linda and I) watched the Oscars at Erik and Adrian's place. I'm not sure what my problem was, but I was grumpy and I kept yelling at the Oscars winners "Hurry the hell up. Get off the stage!" I was bored. That was until the light shone down and he rose from below the stage. My forever boyfriend, Eminem. Linda took a video of me yelling "I love you!" to the TV, repeatedly. Antonio was like "Hey! Que Onda?" haha. He stormed off in a rage...fake rage. We were all laughing. Here's the moment I was one with the TV.


I'm stoked that Joaquin won for best actor. The more I think about it, the more I love the movie The Joker. I also loved Judy, so I am glad that Renee won, although her speech was all over the place. She lost me. I obviously need to see Parasite. Was this the greatest movie I've never seen or what? That dude won everything!!!

Someday, my little lady might be up on that stage. Her dream is Broadway, but ya never know. The psychic I went to told me she was moving to New York when high school ends. Whoa! Here are some pictures she'll probably kill me for posting. She was performing a serious monologue for a showcase at school.

Evan Acting
Evan acting 2

A few more things before I jump in the shower. (I have to be at work by 2:45pm!) I got my eyebrows micro-bladed. Actually, it was a touch up because I had them done several years ago. They will fade, but look at the difference!

If you want any info about where I got it done and what else she does, email me I also bought some magnetic lashes and magnetic eyeliner, because I am looking for an alternative to lash extensions. They are just too expensive to maintain. Well, I thought the magnetic liner was amazing and the lashes were amazing until I took this picture.


I've been trying to put more fruits and veggies into my diet. Since I don't like fruit and I only really like broccoli, I thought I'd buy a powdered drink mix. It has an insane amount of nutrients and protein, but it tastes like veggie dirt.

I've added a Splenda and some apple juice and that helps a little.

Oh, this is the week of the Meet and Mingle! The Laura Cain After Dark Podcast is having a little meet-up at Casa Guadalajara in Old Town from 6pm-9pm on Thursday, February 13th. Come by for a drink or some food. We have prize baskets to raffle off, too! If not, Erik, Linda, Antonio and I are ready to parrr-taaaay!

I've attached the LCAD Podcast link to this Diary. This week's shows are going to be really fun. Guest appearances and everything.

Ok, shower time. Have an amazing week.

See you next week, Diary

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