That Time We had Alaskan Pen-Pals

Dear Diary,

My grade school friend, Nina, posted this on her Facebook page this past weekend. It brought back so many memories. When we were 11 year old Camp Fire Girls, we had pen-pals from a tiny town in Alaska called Hooper Bay...population 200. Through various fundraisers and donations, we were able to fly to this tiny town and meet these Alaskan kids in person. It was a small bush plane that brought us to our final destination. We had to walk over tundra, we saw Walrus skulls and we had to sleep in the tiny school classroom. It stayed light almost the whole entire 24 hours, we saw the Northern Lights when it finally did get dark. What an amazing experience. The only sad thing was that my pen-pal wasn't there when we arrived. He was in Juno.

After our Hooper Bay visit, we went to Juno to see him. His name was Robert and he asked me to marry him (yes, I am still 11-years-old at the time.) I was so scared and nervous! haha. I wonder what happened to Robert, to these kids. Did they leave Hooper Bay? Are they still there with families of their own? Did they die? Nina's post brought back so many memories. Can you pick me out of this group of little girls, by the way?

I wish I could tell you that I have broadened my mind, that I have learned a new skill during this time of isolation, but no, I have lost brain cells. I watched the entire series "Too Hot To Handle" on Netflix. That is a brain suck for sure. And, I just have to comment on my favorite show on TV right now, 90-Day-Fiance:Before the 90 Days. Here are the players on this show. This is David. He is convinced he's been talking to a beautiful Russian woman online for 7 years. Turns out (surprise face) that she's been scamming him the whole time. I thought he was the dumbest guy in the world, but now I just feel so bad for the guy.

Then, there's San Diegan, Ed, who is in love with a girl named Rose, from the Philippines. He actually gave her mouthwash, a toothbrush and toothpaste as a gift because her breath is so bad. I just about died. If looks could kill, he would be dead!

Then, we have the bisexual girls who haven't told their parents that they are bi. They are adorable, but full of drama. Erika is from Australia.

The most cringe-worthy couple is Lisa and David, from Nigeria. He is a small time pop star in his country, and he has supposedly fallen in love with Lisa, who claims she's 52. His mom, or shall I say "Mommy", kept telling her son this chick was too old for him. Lisa is also kind of mean. And, she makes him call her Baby Love. Ewww. I have started making Antonio call me Baby Love. haha.

Ok, now I am embarrassed. I am so passionate about this dumb show. haha. I need a life.

You know what Antonio needs, a hair cut. Linda, help us!

Since Antonio has moved in, my life has improved greatly, He's fixed things, he's cleaned things, he loves to cook! It the small things that make you realize that you're in love with a person. I saw him slip a struggling neighbor of his some money. He didn't do this for recognition. He didn't do it in front of anyone. I just happened to see it. He is constantly doing things to help others. He's a great guy. And, he makes me laugh out loud.

This is my happy place. I've shared this before, but I just love my patio. It was so nice and warm this weekend. Antonio and I spent Sunday preparing the rest of my Loteria tiles for application to the fence. Once this thing is all done, I will show you my finished project. 54 tiles, total.

This picture popped up in my memories from exactly one year ago today. Aww, my babies in Oregon, visiting Charlie in the dorms. I miss having these two under my roof 24/7. Charlie is working as a cashier at Albertsons while going to school. He has an awesome girlfriend. I have no idea when I'm going to see him next. It makes me sad. Why do they have to grow up??

I'll leave you with this picture of what Evan and I could spend hours doing, Snapchat filters. We laugh so hard at these dang things.

Hope you are staying safe, sane and happy. If you are struggling, feel free to reach out to me or to anyone. As we all say these days, We are in this together.

See you later, Diary.

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