This weekend I had a date. It was the guy I met at Tio Leo's a few weeks ago. haha. That sounds so dang cheesy. I met a guy in a bar at Tio Leo's off Mission Gorge. Oh well, it's true. He was with another woman at the time, which is a little odd. But I overlooked that when he asked me out.
We met after work, which is 7:30 pm for me. Not sure about him. I think he might be an electrician. I gotta tell you this guy oozes sex. He's lating to the core. It's crazy. We went to one of the restaurants in my hood, Asian Bistro. This one:
We ordered spring rolls. And that's it. Neither of us was all that hungry. Maybe I was nervous or something. I don't know. But, we talked and talked and talked for hours. Asian Bistro closes at 3AM! Crazy, huh? We weren't there that long...I'd say at least two and a half hours. This guy seems cool with me posting stuff so here's a picture. If you know him and he's a creep, please email me! hahahaha.
Anyway, while he was talking to me, I kept glancing across the street. Directly across from us is a store call Adam and Eve. It's a shop where they sell naughty things. After our "dinner," I suggested that we head on in there just for fun. I wasn't seriously thinking about making a purchase or anything. It was so fun. We asked the salesperson "Hey, what does this do?" and "What is that supposed to be?" and "Where does that go?"
He wanted to buy some penis pasta to make as a joke for his friends. Too bad, so sad...the guy told us he sold his last batch. Amazon to the rescue! We sat in my car and ordered some. It's sitting in my living room right now waiting for him to come grab it.
In the car (I can't believe I'm telling you this) we started to kiss. He was very passionate, like, way too passionate with his mouth. How can I say this, um, he was aggressive while kissing me. I straight up told him that he needed to reign it in a little bit. Can you even believe I said that to him? He's such a chill guy I felt like I could. After the make out, I drove us to my house but told him he wasn't coming in. We waited outside for his Uber because he was staying with a friend on a boat. Okkkaaayyy. So weird, but fun. I'm sure I'll see him again, tho. I mean, I have his pasta, right?
On Sunday, me and the girls from the traffic center went to the lake in Alpine. Yes there is a lake in Alpine. See!
It's for fancy people. Only people that live in the area are allowed to use it. Luckily, we had one of those people with us! We brought food and floaties and drinks.
We just floated around all day. Oh, and we snacked a whole lot, too. I sure love the women I work with. I feel so lucky. I really do. It's fun coming into work each day and it's even more fun hanging out with them outside of work! Here's the gang. Melissa, Jen, me and Tori.
That's enough out of me on this Labor Day. I'm at work. I've been here since 5am. There is nothing happening on the roads. It's been so slow! ahhhh!
Here's a cool video from Taylor Swift.
See you later, Diary.
Do Ya'll Mind if I Vent for a Minute or 20?
I'm annoyed, sad and mad. It has to do with the 43-year-old. I know, I know stop dealing with this dude. But, I caught some feelings and those don't just go away with the snap of a finger!
By Laura Cain