Tati's Two Cents Was For Those Affected By Trauma AKA All Of Us

Trauma is a word we got to know real well for the last 14 months. The pandemic has paused us to a point of reflection and it isn't easy to come to terms with.


I wish I could take credit for the Two Cents today. The only thing I take credit for is the trauma I have given, the trauma I experienced, and the trauma I am currently healing from. The rest is from my email subscription to The Skimm. <<<FULL ARTICLE AND HELPFUL TIPS TO COPE.

If you've experienced trauma firsthand... 

Perhaps you tested positive for COVID-19, lost a loved one to the virus, or were at the scene of a crime or traumatic event. You could also be a person of color experiencing repeated race-based traumatic stress (“RBTS” for short) —especially in the last year— because of encounters with racial bias, ethnic discrimination, racism, and hate crimes.

You may be feeling…

  • Chronic pain.Stress causes wear and tear on the body. Someone who has experienced trauma may have pain more often than someone who hasn’t had the same history. That’s because anxiety can be a lingering effect of trauma. And anxiety and stress can make muscles more tense, which can lead to chronic pain over time. 
  • Isolated and socially avoidant. Talking about these traumatic events can be triggering — and it’s likely that you’ll want to avoid people and places that remind you of what happened. Cue isolation.
  • Like those intrusive thoughts just won't quit.These may include flashbacks to the traumatic event(s). 
  • Reckless. PTSD can set off urges toescape into harmful behaviorslike excessive drinking, smoking, drug use, overeating, or abuse.

Here are some ways you can cope...

  • Find a support system. Support groups made up of people who have been through a similar traumatic event can help with the healing process. 
  • Maintain a daily routine. Consistency is key toward building back some semblance of normalcy. 
  • Seek professional care. PTSD can usually be treated with different types of talk therapy, medicine, or both. Therapy with a professional counselor can help you work through your feelings, learn healthy ways to cope, and figure out whether medication is right for you (we Skimm’d how to find a pro and pay for carehereandhere). Therapy isn’t always covered by insurance, so contact your provider before making an appointment. And know that some therapists offer sessions on a sliding scale to make it more affordable. 

@twocentstati shares her " target="_blank">Two Cents on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:40 am PST on Star941

Check out Jesse & Tati podcast HERE

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