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Parents in Chula Vista were concerned after years-old tweets from school board member Kate Bishop resurfaced on a father's Facebook page.
"I'm pretty sure I hit my sexual peak today. Somebody bring me an 18 year old boy, STAT!" Bishop tweeted in 2012, along with the hashtag "hormones," as reported by Fox News.
Another tweet sent in 2011 read "Off to the park to see what hot 3-year-old girls my kid can hit on," with the hashtag "#ValentinesDay."
Bishop, who was elected as the board president of the Chula Vista Elementary School District last year, apologized for the tweets.
In a meeting on Wednesday, September 15, Bishop addressed the community and said parents are "rightfully upset" about her old posts, according to FOX5.
“I was an aspiring stand-up comedian at the time, parenting my young children and only engaging politically to vote and make offhand comments as a member of the public,” Bishop said. “Now as a parent of schoolchildren and involved in education policy, I see this as a teachable moment, that things put on the internet last forever. The intent of these tweets was to be funny, but they weren’t. They were hurtful and I’m very sorry.”
Her resignation was effective as of the end of Wednesday night's meeting. Bishop says she intends to continue serving on the board despite stepping down as president.