While looking for Top Stories this morning a Trending story out of Wall Street Journal gave us something to think about and a new perspective on how medical history plays into our every day health journey.
There are so many new questions being asked in the new year and one family is asking while grieving their son, what if they knew about the sperm donor 1558's medical history?
Steven Gunner battled mental illness before a fatal overdose. It turns out his father had his own psychiatric problems.
When Laura and David Gunner learned their 27-year-old son, Steven, had died from an opioid overdose, the couple were stricken by grief but not entirely surprised. They had struggled to help him overcome addictions and erratic behavior for more than a decade.
Seeking solace in the aftermath of Steven’s 2020 death, the upstate New York couple joined the Donor Sibling Registry, a website that connects sperm and egg donors and donor-conceived people. They hoped to make contact with the mothers and fathers of other children who, like Steven, had been conceived with sperm from a particular donor sold by a sperm bank in Fairfax, Va.
Read the FULL STORY here and check out the video below of how donor genetics is definitely not ignored in the "Sperm Donation World".
Photo: Getty Images