Popular California Eatery Named 'Most Expensive' Place To Dine In The State

Romantic table for diner next to the sea with beautiful sunset sky.

Photo: Moment RF

How much are you willing to spend on an exceptional, unforgettable meal?

Many restaurants are known for keeping things affordable, while others use high-quality ingredients, ambiance, and presentation to rack up an extremely large bill.

But what about the one place that serves the most expensive meal in California? Today, we're going to dive into which California establishment serves the most expensive meal, how much it costs, and why it is so expensive!

According to a list compiled by LoveFood, the most expensive place to dine in all of California is Atelier Crenn in San Francisco. Just one menu item at Atelier Crenn can run you $400.

Here's what LoveFood had to say about the most expensive place to dine in the entire state:

"California is home to some of the most expensive restaurants in the country, including famous Michelin-starred spots like The French Laundry, where chef Thomas Keller’s meticulously crafted tasting menus will set you back around $350. However, three Michelin–starred Atelier Crenn, in San Francisco, narrowly beats it in the pricing stakes, charging over $400. The stunning restaurant is led by chef Dominique Crenn, and offers a multi-course tasting menu that showcases her inventive and poetic approach to cooking, drawing inspiration from nature and art."

For a continued list of the most expensive places to eat across America visit lovefood.com.

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