Check Off Another Adventure in Mexico

I found myself in Mexico yet again this weekend. Antonio Marco Juan Banderes picked me up and took me to his place in Tijuana. He shares his "compound?" otherwise known as "The Ranchita" with two other guys and three or four dogs. They have a pretty sweet view of the city, a bar, lots of pictures of women in all stages of dress. It's a bachelors pad for sure.

AB's roomies jumped in the back of his truck with a cooler of beer and we set off to Rosarito for lunch. It feels so free in Mexico because you can just ride in the back of a truck with a beer between your legs and not get busted. I personally wouldn't do it because a. I don't drink and b. I wouldn't want to ride in the back because it would screw up my hair big-time.

We ended up at this great place called La Fonda, right on the ocean. I could tell a lot of American retirees live down there because the place was packed with Americans. Anyway, we ate like kings while watching people ride a bike with a propeller on the back and a hang glider on the top fly around the beach. I really wanted to do it but I kept thinking about how my dad would be rolling over in his grave (if he had one) because he didn't like his kids taking risks. I decided to stay put. Gosh, it was beautiful though.

hang glider
The group
The group too

So, the Mexico adventure was on Sunday. Saturday The Movie Club got together to see the movie "Judy." Two of the six of us cried several times. Here's a wasn't a woman and it wasn't the teenager and it wasn't Adrian. Erik and AB were wiping the tears away. I must have a heart made of stone because I didn't feel one single tear come to the surface. It was a great movie, though. That poor woman went through a lot. Renee Zellweger is a shoe-in for this year's Best Actress Oscar. She was flawless.

Here's our Movie Club group. We hope to grow it week by week. I'll keep you updated on Facebook.

Movie Club
Movie Club Too

On Friday, my boss and friend, Melissa and I went to a place called Patron's Place to paint and drink. You know those classes, right? Tori and Jen were supposed to come but Jen had her daughter and Tori was sick:(. So Melissa and I got our paint on. We ordered nachos as a start. Look at this motherload!

Huge Nachos

And, yes, we finished most of it. Here are some pictures of our painting progress.

painting one
Painting two
final product
Me and Melissa
finished product

Look at this dude's painting. He had a completely different interpretation of the whole thing. I respect that.

Strange Pic

Okay, you do you Sir. Nothing but respect. This painting and wine thing is very fun. Melissa found it on Groupon. It would be a great girl's night or a date night.

That's all for now, Diary. I'm going to try to post my podcast on this site from now on. Still need to learn how to do it. Another episode of Laura Cain After Dark featuring Erik Rimmer drops tomorrow!

And I love this Billie Eilish song!

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