San Diego's Heart With Gratitude on the USS Midway

Heart With Gratitude

On Saturday, September 15, we formed a Heart With Gratitude for our service men and women on the deck of the USS Midway!  Everyone was invited to stand side-by-side with us as we form the shape of a heart on the USS Midway Museum's flight deck to show our support and appreciation for servicemen and women.  

There were lots of family fun activities.  All registered participants were entered to win Round Trip Tickets to anywhere in the U.S. that Southwest Airlines flies.  (Must be present to win.)

Participants registered in advance and boarded the USS Midway before 9 am to be a part of the heart and received free entrance into the museum.

As of Friday, 9/14/2018, the event was SOLD OUT and tickets were no longer available. 

The official Heart of Gratitude photo will be revealed (below) on Tuesday, 9/18/2018.

Watch KUSI's feature on the Heart With Gratitude

Heart of Gratitude on USS Midway 2018

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