Here's Why You Should Participate In The Heart With Gratitude

Heart with Gratitude

Why it’s important for us to fill the Heart With Gratitude …..

--- BECAUSE ---

We need to show our men and women in uniform that they are loved and appreciated.

They leave their families, wives, husbands, friends… in order to serve our country to make sure that we are free.

SO WE ARE Free to live in a country where we can choose to make a difference with our opinions and beliefs.

A country where we can speak freely, in public, on the radio, even online.

Where we can drive a car ….where we want, when we want.

We don’t have to serve a government that controls everything that we do, or tells us what to do.

This is because of them. Representing and fighting and protecting our way of life.

They serve no matter the cost. -- THEY ARE always putting their lives on the line!

We will never understand what they went through especially if they've seen combat.

this is for Amy and Patrick and Ryan our friends deployed right well as the thousands of others.

This heart is for my dad who was in the Army… and - who struggled for years, after the Vietnam war. He said he never felt appreciated for the hell he went through.

This heart is for my brother in law, the Navy Seal … who was in Afghanistan and who lost two good friends in one day

This heart is for my aunt and uncle who both served all over the world in the Air Force for over 20 years. Dedicating their career to protecting and serving.

My father in law, who was always a proud marine and didn’t let us forget us, who was awarded a medal for his part in the Korean War.

And.. This heart with gratitude is for you.

For you to show your love for our servicemen and women in uniform…. so maybe, just maybe it puts a smile on their face AND MAKES THEM FEEL PROUD when they see how much San Diego cares.