You Won't Believe What I Bought.

Dear Diary, I should actually save this for my podcast, which airs tomorrow, but I will tell you half the story. Drum roll The Dollar Tree I bought a....pregnancy test. Not for Evan, God forbid, but for me. I know, stop laughing. I was worried because my boobs hurt like crazy, I'm moody and I feel blah. I know, I know, I am too ancient to be with child. Find out the results in my podcast Laura Cain After Dark on Spreaker and iHeartRadio Tuesday.

Speaking of blah, Antonio Banderas made me weigh myself at a pharmacy we were at in Mexico. I told him to step away from the scale and DO NOT look. The scale displayed my weight in metric so I had to look it up on my phone.

Ok, I know I've gained weight. I feel it in my boobs and my butt and thighs. My pants are really snug these days. But, what I saw on my phone shocked and horrified me. I'm not going to tell you how much, and I tell you everything. But, I will say it was over 157 lbs. OMG. I just about fainted. Wake up call!

We drove to Rosarito to shop for a pot, NOT pot, A pot and a cool metal plaque with Our Lady of Peace on it. It's for my newly remodeled patio. I'll show you pics next week. I collect crosses and religious art. I just love it. Well, look at this store. I was in heaven.

cross store

Look at this sweet puppy we saw at the store. I want a dog but I am not allowed to have pets where I live. Boo hoo.

cute puppy

Thanksgiving was great, although we ate dinner at noon, yes noon. Some family members needed to leave at 2pm.

Here's my beautiful sis. And, here's my fat plate.

Hietter sisters
Dinner plate

Here's Ev and her cousin Faith. They love each other so much. We were hungry again by 6pm so we ordered pizza. And I wonder why I'm gaining weight!!!!

cousin love

My sweet Momma treated Evan and I to pedicures. Here are three generations of toes.

30 toes

I am so thankful for my mom. I am so thankful that she is here and healthy and mentally sane. I love her cooking and her humor and her smell and her cute clothes and shoes and her positive attitude. I love her more than anything. On Thursdays Laura Cain After Dark, Erik reads a letter to his mom, who passed away a year ago. It'll make you want to hug your parents a little tighter.

See you next week, Diary.

Here's a link to my podcast. I tell my story from addiction to sobriety in the latest episode.

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